White Collar Boxing


I went to an event in May mainly to support a friend from Karate who was actually competeing, and it was absolutley with out a doubt the best evening out I’ve ever had. I’m not the social type at all, I don’t enjoy special occasions and dressing up and crowds of people. It’s pretty much my worst nightmare but this was diffrent. Getting to watch ordinary people, people who had only had eight weeks training get into a boxing ring and fight their hearts out was just so…so…

These people had worked so hard, had sweated blood and tears to get into that ring. It was just so impressive.

So I signed up. I’m a week into the training now and having so much fun. There’s a certain amount of cross-over between karate and something like boxing, there are only a certain number of ways it is possible to punch some one afterall. I’ve learnt to put on hand-wraps which is something I’m very excited about, and hopefully over the next week or so we’ll start sparring and I’ll get an idea of the abilities of the other ladies who’ve signed up.

In the meantime I’m raising money for Cancer Research UK as this is a charity event. To get into that ring I need to raise a minimum of £50 though I’d like to raise more. I know not many people actually look at this particular blog, but still…

Sophia’s Justgiving page

No amount is too small, it all adds up 😀